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Media Condition: Near Mint (NM or M-)
Sleeve Condition: Near Mint (NM or M-)
Released: 11 Dec 2020
Country: Europe
Looks new inside.
Barcode and Other Identifiers:
Barcode 5 060238 636766
Barcode 5060238636766
Matrix / Runout AK23055-01 manufactured by optimal media GmbH
Mastering SID Code IFPI L576
Matrix / Runout AK23053-01 manufactured by optimal media GmbH
Mastering SID Code IFPI L578
Matrix / Runout AK23051-01 manufactured by optimal media GmbH
Mastering SID Code IFPI L576
Matrix / Runout AK23052-01 manufactured by optimal media GmbH
Mastering SID Code IFPI L577
Matrix / Runout AK23054-01 manufactured by optimal media GmbH
Mastering SID Code IFPI L578
Mould SID Code IFPI 9707
Rights Society P.R.S.
Rights Society BMI
Issued in a cardboard box with the CDs in individual cardboard sleeves, a 36-pages booklet and a folded 6-panel "Elektro Rock Concert" poster replica. Main title appears on the sticker on the front shrinkwrap only. Musik Von Harmonia [...: Orgel, Klavier, Gitarre, El. Percussion / [...: Gitarre, Piano, Orgel, El. Percussion / [...: Synthesizer, Gitarre, El. Percussion / Alle Titel Von [..., [..., [... / Produktion: [... / Aufgenommen Und Produziert Juni - November '73 / Im Harmonia Heimstudio Forst / Live Mitschnitte Im Paradiso Amsterdam / Sound Check [..., Studio Neubauer D'dorf / Cover: [... / Fotos: [..., [..., [... Track titles do not appear on the sleeve. All track titles are printed in lower case on CD. Track 1-2 appears on the CD as 'sehr komisch' ('Very Funny'). Deluxe [...: Guitars, Keyboards, Vocals / [...: Keyboards, Vocals / [...: Synthesizer, Nagoja Harp, Vocals / Special Guest [... (a=[Guru Guru) Drums / Music And Concept By [..., [..., [... / Recorded June '75 With Conny's Mobile Equipment / At Harmonia Studio Forst, Mixed July '75 At Conny's Studio, Engineer [... / Production [.../[... / Photos: [... / Coverconcept: [... / Realisation: [... All track titles are printed in lower case on sleeve and CD. Track 2-2 appears printed on the sleeve as 'walky-talky', printed on the CD as 'walky - talky'. Live 1974 [...: Guitar, Electronic Percussion, Piano & Organ / [...: Electronic Organ & Piano / [...: Synthesizer, Electronic Percussion / All Music Written, Performed By [..., [..., [... / Recording, Editing And Artwork By [... / Photos By [... All track titles are printed in lower case on the CD. Recorded live in concert on 23rd March 1974 at Penny Station in Griessem Germany (from the back sleeve) Harmonia & Eno '76 / Tracks And Traces Reissue Remastered Reissue Of The Legendary 1976 Recordings Including Three Previously Unreleased Tracks / Music Written, Performed & Produced By [..., [..., [..., [... Vocals & Lyrics On Track 5 By [... Recorded At Harmonia Studio, Forst, In September 1976 Original Mastering Tracks 3-11 By [... And [... Mastering Tracks 1, 2, 12 And Re-Mastering Tracks 3-11 By [... / Master And Servant Publishing For Brian Eno: Opal Music, London (PRS) Except In North America & Canada By Upala Music Inc. / (BMI) / For Michael Rother, Dieter Moebius: Tracks 1, 2, 12 Copyright Control, Tracks 3-11 Copyright Control Except In Europe By Rückbank / For Hans-Joachim Roedelius: Tracks 1, 2, 12 Barking Green, Tracks 3-11 Barking Green Except In Europe By Rückbank / Photos By [... / Artwork By [... & [... Main title appears as "Tracks and Traces reissue" printed on sleeve. Main title appears as "tracks and traces reissue" printed on CD. All track titles are printed in lower case on the CD. Documents 1975 All Tracks Written, Performed And Recorded By [..., [... And [... / 1: [...: Nagoja Harp, Synthesizer, Vox / [...: Guitar, Electronic drums & Cymbals, Synthorchestra, Vox / [...: Electric Piano, Vox / 2: [...: Electric Piano, Organ / [...: Guitar / [...: Synthesizer / [... (Guru Guru): Drums / 3: [...: Electric Piano, Synthorchestra / [...: Electric Piano / [...: Electronic Drums, Synthesizer / 4: [...: Synthesizer / [...: Guitar, Electronic Drums / [...: Electric Piano, Organ / [... (Guru Guru): Drums / 2+4: Culled From The Tape Archives Of Asmus Tietchens / Digitized By [..., Audiplex Studios, Hamburg / 1+3: Culled From The M.R. Tape Archives In Forst / All Tracks Edited By [... / Mastering By [... @ Master & Servant, Hamburg / Cover Design By [... Main title appears as "- documents - 1975 -" printed on sleeve. Main title appears as "documents 1975" printed on CD. Track titles appear as: 1: "Tiki-Taka at Harmonia Studio in Forst" (1975) 6:26 2: "Live at Onkel Pö in Hamburg" (1975) 9:12 3: "Proto-Deluxe at Harmonia Studio in Forst" (1975) 11:38 (track duration is misprinted) 4: "Live at Fabrik Hamburg" (1975) 11:38 printed on sleeve, and as: 1. "tiki-taka at harmonia studio in forst" (1975) 2. "live at onkel pö in hamburg" (1975) 3. "proto-deluxe at harmonia studio in forst" (1975) 4. "live at fabrik in hamburg" (1975) printed on CD. Credits photos (booklet): (cover) [..., 1975 (p2 + p3) [..., 1975 (p9) [..., 1974 (p10 + p11) [..., 1973 (p12) [..., 1975 (p13) [..., 1974 (p14 + p15) private archives 1973-76 (p16) Michael Rother archive (p17) Michael Rother archive (p18 + p19) [..., 1973 (p20 + p21) [..., 1973 (p22 + p23) [..., 1973 (p24) [..., 1973 (p25) [..., 1973 (p26 + p27) [..., 1973 (p28 + p29) [..., (p30) [..., 1973 (p31) [..., 1973 (p32) Harmonia archiv (p33) [... (p34) Harmonia archiv photo (box): [..., 1973 Design [... Coordination [... / Grönland / C+P 2020 Harmonia for Grönland Records Special Thanks Jerry and Elisabeth Kilian Ann Weitz Christine Roedelius Conny Plank and Christa Fast Brian Eno Asmus Tietchens Okko Bekker Mani Neumeier Reiner Lehmann Our partners, friends and neighbours in Forst All known & unknown contributors to the photos in this book (from the booklet) Track durations are slightly different than printed on CDs. Track durations printed on CDs: 1-1 - 5:55 1-2 - 10:50 1-3 - 3:50 1-4 - 3:30 1-5 - 5-05 1-6 - 5:00 1-7 - 3-55 1-8 - 4:30 2-1 - 9:45 2-2 - 10:35 2-3 - 7:07 2-4 - 4:15 2-5 - 4:35 2-6 - 5:35 3-1 - 10:45 3-2 - 17:25 3-3 - 5:20 3-4 - 15:00 3-5 - 9:30 4-1 - 3:02 4-2 - 3:26 4-3 - 4:34 4-4 - 9:30 4-5 - 4:56 4-6 - 15:52 4-7 - 6:41 4-8 - 5:30 4-9 - 4:02 4-10 - 1:33 4-11 - 1:33 4-12 - 3:34 5-1 - 6:26 5-2 - 9:12 5-3 - 4:30 5-4 - 11:38
. Musik Von Harmonia
1-1. Harmonia - Watussi 5:59
1-2. Harmonia - Sehr Kosmisch 10:57
1-3. Harmonia - Sonnenschein 3:57
1-4. Harmonia - Dino 3:31
1-5. Harmonia - Ohrwurm 5:11
1-6. Harmonia - Ahoi! 5:13
1-7. Harmonia - Veterano 3:57
1-8. Harmonia - Hausmusik 4:31
. Deluxe
2-1. Harmonia - Deluxe (Immer Wieder) 9:47
2-2. Harmonia - Walky-Talky 10:45
2-3. Harmonia - Monza (Rauf Und Runter) 7:09
2-4. Harmonia - Notre Dame 4:19
2-5. Harmonia - Gollum 4:41
2-6. Harmonia - Kekse 5:36
. Live 1974
3-1. Harmonia - Schaumburg 10:49
3-2. Harmonia - Veteranissimo 17:26
3-3. Harmonia - Arabesque 5:20
3-4. Harmonia - Holta-Polta 15:01
3-5. Harmonia - Ueber Ottenstein 9:30
. Tracks And Traces Reissue
4-1. Harmonia 76 - Welcome 3:02
4-2. Harmonia 76 - Atmosphere 3:25
4-3. Harmonia 76 - Vamos Companeros 4:34
4-4. Harmonia 76 - By The Riverside 9:31
4-5. Harmonia 76 - Luneburg Heath 4:55
4-6. Harmonia 76 - Sometimes In Autumn 15:50
4-7. Harmonia 76 - Weird Dream 6:42
4-8. Harmonia 76 - Almost 5:30
4-9. Harmonia 76 - Les Demoiselles 4:01
4-10. Harmonia 76 - When Shade Was Born 1:29
4-11. Harmonia 76 - Trace 1:32
4-12. Harmonia 76 - Aubade 3:34
. Documents 1975
5-1. Harmonia - Tiki-Taka At Harmonia Studio In Forst 6:31
5-2. Harmonia - Live At Onkel Pö In Hamburg 9:16
5-3. Harmonia - Proto-Deluxe At Harmonia Studio In Forst 4:31
5-4. Harmonia - Live At Fabrik In Hamburg 11:31
Phonographic Copyright (p) Harmonia For Grönland Records
Copyright (c) Harmonia For Grönland Records
Recorded At Harmonia Studio Forst
Produced At Harmonia Studio Forst
Recorded At Paradiso Amsterdam
Engineered At Neubauer Studios
Recorded By Conny's Mobile
Mixed At Conny's Studio
Recorded At Penny Station
Mastered At Master & Servant
Remastered At Master & Servant
Recorded At Onkel Pös Carnegie Hall
Recorded At Fabrik, Hamburg
Engineered At Audiplex Studios
Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
Manufactured By Optimal Media GmbH
Published By Opal Music
Published By Upala Music Inc.
Published By Copyright Control
Published By Rückbank
Published By Barking Green