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Media Condition: Near Mint (NM or M-)
Sleeve Condition: Near Mint (NM or M-)
Released: 1995
Country: US
Lovely copy with the NM booklet.
Barcode and Other Identifiers:
Barcode 081227185824
Other 1-56826-497-6
Matrix / Runout DRC212371 18339A 01@
Mastering SID Code L006
Matrix / Runout DRC212372 18340A 01@
Mastering SID Code L006
Track 1-1 - From the film "A Fistful Of Dollars", 1964 (IT/SP/WG). Original title: "Per Un Pugno Di Dollari" (For A Fistful Of Dollars). (RCA Victor album #LSO-1135, 1967). Track 1-2 - Original title: "Per Un Pugno Di Dollari" (For A Fistful Of Dollars). (RCA Victor single #47-9090, 1965; Also included on the RCA Victor album #LSO-1135, 1967). Track 1-3 - From the film "A Pistol For Ringo", 1965 (IT). Original title: "Una Pistola Per Ringo". (RCA [Italy single #ARC-AN-4052, 1965). Track 1-4 - From the film "The Return Of Ringo", 1965 (IT). Original title: Il Ritorno Di Ringo". (RCA [Italy single #ARC-AN-4069, 1966). Track 1-5 - From the film "A Few Dollars More", 1965 (IT/SP/WG). Original title: "Per Qualche Dollaro In Più". (Peters Int'l album #PILPS-4060, 1975). Track 1-6 - From the film "A Few Dollars More", 1965 (IT/SP/WG). Original title: "Per Qualche Dollaro In Più". (Peters Int'l album #PILPS-4060, 1975). Track 1-7 - From the film "Navajo Joe", 1966 (IT). Original title: "Un Dollaro A Testa" (A Dollar A Head). (Parade [Italy single #PRC-5015, 1966; NOTE: for some unknown reason, the actual main title was omitted from the domestic release of the soundtrack, United Artists album #UA-LA-292, 1974). Track 1-8 - From the film "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly", 1966 (IT). Original title: Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo". (United Artists album #UAS-5172, 1967). Track 1-9 - From the film "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly", 1966 (IT). Original title: Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo". (United Artists album #UAS-5172, 1967). Track 1-10 - From the film "The Hawks And The Sparrows", 1965 (IT). Original title: Uccellacci E Uccellini". (RCA [Italy album #DPSL-10599, 1975). Track 1-11 - From the film "Battle Of Algiers", 1965 (IT/ALG). Original title: La Battaglia Di Algeri". (United Artists album #UAS-5171, 1967). Track 1-12 - From the film "Grand Slam", 1967 (IT/SP/WG). Original title: Ad Ogni Costo" (At Any Cost). (RCA [Italy album #SP-8021, 1967). Track 1-13 - From the film "The Garden Of Delights", 1967 (SP). Original title: "Il Giardino Delle Delizie". (RCA [Itlay album #SP-10008, 1970). Track 1-14 - From the film "The Big Gundown", 1967 (IT/SP). Original title: La resa Dei Conti" (A Time Of Reckoning). (United Artists album #UAS-5190, 1968). Track 1-15 - From the film "Guns For San Sebastian", 1968 (IT/US). Original title: "I Cannoni Di San Sebastian". (MGM album #SE-4565, 1968). Track 1-16 - From the film "Once Upon A Time In The West", 1968 (IT/US). Original title: "C'Era Una Volta Il West". (RCA Victor album #LSP-4736, 1972). Track 1-17 - From the film "Once Upon A Time In The West", 1968 (IT/US). Original title: "C'Era Una Volta Il West". (RCA Victor album #LSP-4736, 1972). Track 1-18 - From the film "Once Upon A Time In The West", 1968 (IT/US). Original title: "C'Era Una Volta Il West". (RCA Victor album #LSP-4736, 1972). Track 1-19 - From the film "Machine Gun McCain" (aka "For A Price"), 1968 (IT). Original title: "Gli Intoccabili" (The Untouchables). (Jolly [Italy album #LPJ-5094, 1969). Track 1-20 - From the film "The Girl With The Crystal Plumage", 1969 (IT/WG). Original title: "L'Uccello Dalle Piume Di Cristallo". (Cinevox [Italy album #MDF-33.31, 1969). Track 1-21 - From the film "Investigation Of A Citizen Above Suspicion", 1969 (IT). Original title: "Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto". (Cerberus album #CEMS-0110, 1981). Track 1-22 - From the film "The Family", 1970 (IT/FR). Original title: "Città Violenta" (Violent City). (RCA [Italy album #KOLS-1010, 1970). Track 1-23 - From the film "Sacco & Vanzetti", 1971 (IT/FR). (RCA Victor album #LSP-4612, 1971). Track 1-24 - From the film "Sacco & Vanzetti", 1971 (IT/FR). (RCA Victor album #LSP-4612, 1971). Track 2-1 - From the film "Duck, You Sucker" (aka "A Fistful Of Dynamite"), 1971 (IT). Original title: Giù La Testa". (United Artists album #UAS-5221, 1972). Track 2-2 - From the film "Duck, You Sucker" (aka "A Fistful Of Dynamite"), 1971 (IT). Original title: Giù La Testa". (United Artists album #UAS-5221, 1972). Track 2-3 - From the film "Without Apparent Motive", 1971 (FR). Original title: "Sans Mobile Apparent". (General Music [Italy album #ZSLGE-55064, 1971). Track 2-4 - From the film "The Working Class Goes To Heaven" (aka "Lulu The Tool"), 1971 (IT). Original title: "La Classe Operaia Va In Paradiso". (RCA [Italy album #SP-8038, 1971). Track 2-5 - From the film "My Name Is Nobody", 1973 (IT/FR/WG). Original title: "Il Moi Nome È Nessuno". (General Music [Italy album #DZSLGE-55497, 1973). Track 2-6 - From the film "Moses, The Lawgiver" (aka "Moses"), 1974 (GB/IT). (RCA album #TBL1-1106, 1974). Track 2-7 - From the film "Exorcist II: The Heretic", 1977 (US). (Warner Bros. album #BS-3068, 1977). Track 2-8 - From the film "Il Gatto" (The Cat), 1977 (IT). (Cinevox [Italy album #MDF-33.117, 1978). Track 2-9 - From the film "Il Gatto" (The Cat), 1977 (IT). (Cinevox [Italy album #MDF-33.117, 1978). Track 2-10 - From the film "L'Umanoide" (The Humanoid), 1978 (IT). (RCA [Italy album #BL-31432, 1979). Track 2-11 - From the film "Dedicato Al Mare Egeo" (Dedicated To The Aegean Sea), 1979 (JP/IT). (Columbia [Japan album #LX-7062, 1979). Track 2-12 - From the film "Tragedy Of A Ridiculous Man", 1981 (IT). Original title: "La Tragedia Di Un Uomo Ridicolo". (Bubble [Italy album #BLU-19605, 1981). Track 2-13 - From the film "Le Professionnel" (The Professional), 1981 (FR). (General Music [France album #803.026, 1981). Track 2-14 - From the film "Copkiller" (aka "Corrupt"), 1982 (IT). Original title: "Order Of Death". (WEA/General Music [Germany album #24-0200, 1983). Track 2-15 - From the film "Once Upon A Time In America", 1984 (IT/US/CA). (Mercury album #81897, 1984). Track 2-16 - From the film "The Mission", 1986 (GB). (Virgin album #90567, 1986). Track 2-17 - From the film "The Untouchables", 1987 (US). (A&M album #3909, 1987). Track 2-18 - From the film "The Untouchables", 1987 (US). (A&M album #3909, 1987). Track 2-19 - From the film "Cinema Paradiso", 1988 (IT/FR). Original title: "Nuovo Cinema Paradiso" (New Cinema Paradiso). (DRG album #CDSBL-12598, 1989). Track 2-20 - From the film "Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!", 1990 (SP). Original title: "¡Atame!". (RCA/Novus Vision album #3095, 1990). Track 2-21 - From the film "Bugsy", 1991 (US). (Epic album #48804, 1991). Note: All selections are original soundtrack recordings. Song Title is listed as it appears on the sound recording that is being referenced. Film Title is that which it is commonly known by in the domestic market. Film Date denotes the first year of release, worldwide. Film Country Of Origin is noted by abbreviations in parentheses. Original Film Title is given only when different than the domestic release. Sound Recording Reference denotes (in descending order): a) first US release, if issued domestically b) or, first release in film's country of origin c) or, a recording issued exclusively in another country. [a few sources listed are compilation albums All Original Sound Recordings courtesy of BMG Music/The RCA Records Label, under license from BMG Direct, including "Pazzia Da Lavoro" ℗ 1972 BMG Music Inc., "Robodog" ℗ 1979 BMG Music Inc., and "Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!" ℗ 1990 BMG Music Inc., except: "Navajo Joe (Original Main Title)", "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (Main Title)", "The Ecstasy of Gold" and "The Big Gundown" licensed from Metro Goldwyn Meyer Inc. "Love Theme From Guns For San Sebastian (Reprise)" courtesy of Turner Entertainment Company. "La Ballata Di Hank McCain (The Ballad Of Hank McCain)", "Senza Motivo Apparente", "Sinfonia D'Una Città, Part II" ℗ 1983 General Music, and "From American Sex Appeal To The First Fellini" ℗ 1989 General Music, licensed from EMI General Music Italia S.R.I.. "Piume Di Cristallo", "Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto (Main Title)", "Duck, You Sucker (Main Title)", "March Of The Beggars", "Gli Scatenati" ℗ 1978 Cinevox Records, "Il Gatto" ℗ 1978 Cinevox Records, and "La Tragedia Di Un Uomo Ridicolo" ℗ 1981 Cinevox Records, licensed from Bixiu Music Group, Ltd. "Il Moi Nome È Nessuno" ℗ 1973 General Music, "Chi Mai" ℗ 1981 General Music, and "On Earth As It Is In Heaven" ℗ 1986 Virgin Records America, Inc., under exclusive license from Virgin Records America, Inc. "Moses Theme (Main Titles)" ℗ 1974 BMG Music, licensed from ATV Music Ltd. "Magic And Ecstasy" ℗ 1977 Warner Bros. Records Inc., produced under license from Warner Bros. Records Inc. "Cavallina A Cavallo" ℗ 1979 Nippon Columbia, licensed from HoriPro Inc. "Cockeye's Song" ℗ 1984 PolyGram Records, Inc., under license from PolyGram Special Markets, a Division of PolyGram Group Distribution, Inc. "Al Capone" ℗ 1987 A&M Records, Inc., and "The Untouchables (End Title)" ℗ 1987 A&M Records, Inc., licensed from A&M Records, Inc. "Act Of Faith" ℗ 1991 Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., licensed from Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. This compilation ℗ 1995 BMG Music. TMK(s) ® Registered Marca(s) Registrada(s) General Electric, USA. Except BMG Logo ® BMG Music. Manufactured by RCA Special Products, a label of BMG Direct.
1-1. Titoli (From "A Fistful Of Dollars") 2:58
1-2. Theme From "A Fistful Of Dollars" 1:49
1-3. Una Pistola Per Ringo 2:19
1-4. Il Ritorno Di Ringo 2:17
1-5. La Resa Dei Conti (aka Sixty Seconds To What?) 3:06
1-6. Per Qualche Dollaro In Più (aka For A Few Dollars More) 2:50
1-7. Navajo Joe (Original Main Title) 2:50
1-8. The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (Main Title) 2:41
1-9. The Ecstasy Of Gold 3:24
1-10. Uccellacci E Uccellini 2:29
1-11. Algiers November 1, 1954 2:25
1-12. Ad Ogni Costo 2:54
1-13. Il Giardino Delle Delizie 3:05
1-14. The Big Gundown 2:22
1-15. Love Theme From Guns For San Sebastian (Reprise) 2:53
1-16. Man With A Harmonica 3:31
1-17. Farewell To Cheyenne 2:39
1-18. Once Upon A Time In The West 3:45
1-19. La Ballata Di Hank McCain (The Ballad Of Hank McCain) 2:11
1-20. Piume Di Cristallo 5:16
1-21. Indagine Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto (Main Title) 3:29
1-22. Città Violenta (Titoli) 2:25
1-23. The Ballad Of Sacco And Vanzetti - Part 2 5:25
1-24. Here's To You 3:09
2-1. Duck, You Sucker (Main Title) 3:38
2-2. March Of The Beggars 4:55
2-3. Senza Motivo Apparente 4:22
2-4. Pazzia Da Lavoro 2:24
2-5. Il Mio Nome È Nessuno 3:11
2-6. Moses Theme (Main Titles) 4:09
2-7. Magic And Ecstasy 3:03
2-8. Gli Scatenati 3:42
2-9. Il Gatto 3:08
2-10. Robodog 1:39
2-11. Cavallina A Cavallo 4:20
2-12. La Tragedia Di Un Uomo Ridicolo 2:15
2-13. Chi Mai 5:06
2-14. Sinfonia D'Una Città, Part II 4:50
2-15. Cockeye's Song 4:22
2-16. On Earth As It Is In Heaven 3:51
2-17. Al Capone 2:55
2-18. The Untouchables (End Title) 3:11
2-19. From American Sex Appeal To The First Fellini 3:26
2-20. Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! 2:44
2-21. Act Of Faith 3:12
Record Company BMG Direct
Manufactured By RCA Special Products
Phonographic Copyright (p) BMG Music